
EVANGELINA SIRGADO DE SOUSA - was born in Funchal, Madeira Island (1952), where she lives. She has a degree in Sculpture from the Madeira Academy of Music and Fine Arts (1975), and a Postgraduate and Master's degree in Computer Visualisation and Animation, Bournemouth University, U.K. (1992, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation scholarship). Teaching practice:Instituto Superior de Artes Plásticas da Madeira (1976/91); National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, U.K. (1992/98); University of Madeira, Department of Art and Design (2001/11).
Research, plastic experimentation, and exhibitions (SUMMARY): Photography and sculpture (since 1976); Photography with digital processing and composition (since 1985); Computer image synthesis and animation (since 1985). She has been exhibiting individually and collectively since 1976.
Revelation Prize at the 1st Biennial of the Azores and Atlantic, 1985; 2nd place in the Art category at the Prix Pixel - INA Imagina'95, Monte Carlo, 1995; 2nd Prize in the competition "Prémio de Artes Plásticas da Cidade do Funchal", 2006; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Scholarship for Postgraduate and Masters in Computer Visualisation and Animation, Bournemouth University, UK, 1990/92; Animation works "Just Water", "Fields" and "3 Exercises on Landscapes" featured in animation festivals in France, Monte Carlo and Australia, 1995/6; Scholarship of the Foundation for Science and Technology for research work, 2010/14; Participated in national and international conferences and colloquia in her field of research. Publications: "Visions of Sound and Colour: Generating Visuals and Sound from a Source Photographic Image", Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2015; "Encoded Thoughts: Writing Code as an Art Practice", Springer, 2013; "Adventure of a Simple Circle (in the jungle of my mind)", Bridges 2011; "Nuvem Única ( ...e aquela mancha de cor lá no fundo da levada)", Translocal online magazine.
14-2S ELEMENTS - Evangelina SirgadoDe Sousa 2ª SESSÃO | 2nd SESSION
IMAGE PLAY ► International Video Art Festival - V Edition 2023 (Funchal, Madeira - Portugal)

Evangelina SirgadoDe Sousa Direted and Visuals
Evangelina SirgadoDe Sousa Conception/creation/assembly
2560 x 1440 pixels
ELEMENTS: Four elements, say the ancients. EARTH, FIRE, WATER, AIR. The essence of things. That which gives rise to them. Expression of their complexity/simplicity. Solidity and stability (earth); life and energy (fire); fluidity and adaptability (water); movement and expansion (air). And ether, the fifth element, an expression of emptiness, the absence of things. Matter versus emptiness. Light and its absence. Duality.
The infinite beauty of each extreme and its opposite. Since the concept of one only exists because of the contrast it establishes with the other. And there are infinite possible variations between the two extremes.
This is the motto. This is the pretext. What has been extrapolated from these concepts and moulded into this work is a very free and almost random interpretation of the thoughts/feelings triggered by a (diagonal) reading of these things from the ancients. Nothing scientific. Don't believe me, I don't know anything, I just feel the delight of colour and light. The visual reading of this work invites you to contemplate, to slow down, to take a deep breath, to stop for a moment. May it also be an exercise in meditation for you.
And as the Master (who I am not) would say, "I give you my peace..." (if I have any).
And as the Master (who I am not) would say, "I give you my peace..." (if I have any).And as the Master (who I am not) would say, "I give you my peace..." (if I have any).And as the Master (who I am not) would say, "I give you my peace..." (if I have any).SKY'S EDGE: is an ongoing video project that explores mythic personal and planetary narratives, human-technological hybridity, and transience.